National bank of Kuwait (NBK)

National bank of Kuwait (NBK) was the first national bank in Kuwait and the entire Arabian Gulf region established in 1952. All the board members and the founders of NBK were renowned merchants of Kuwaiti origin. NBK was established with a capital of 13,100 shares, each valued 1,000 Indian rupees – equivalent to 75 Kuwaiti dinars today. Over the years NBK has proved itself to be a financial leader in the Arab world.

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The Gate Mall Shopping Mall

Shopping mall typically attracts enthusiastic customers from around the world. If you want to enjoy delicious Kuwaiti gastronomic shopping, visit the Gate Store. You'll enjoy a modern shopping experience while visiting this venue.

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Seven reasons to falling in love with Kuwait.

Kuwait City is one of the Middle East's most seductive destinations.
The city is best visited from autumn to spring when temperatures drop and cool coastal breezes blow from the sea, home to stunning white sand beaches, tax-free shopping and enchanting archeological sites.

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Weather Forecast in Kuwait

Kuwait 's climate lies in the Arabian Gulf, with hot summers and cool winters. Temperatures are coolest around December and March while northerly winds prevail.

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