When you arrive at Kuwait International (KWI), you'll be ready to go with a taste for adventure and an exciting agenda. And you aren't the only one: Excursions here continued to be popular only last year. In reality, Kuwait City is so fantastic that thousands of people here have laid roots.

Of course you will still get into the queue of the taxi. And you might rely on public transit, which is best done by foot. However, with plenty of arrivals and departures to and from KWI, you may have to wait a bit for a bus that isn't packed to come along. Getting your own ride gives you more freedom while on your holiday. You can sightsee in Kuwait City, when you want, thanks to a rental car.

Kuwait City Adventures by Car
Browse our inventory for a mid-size car that is easy to handle, or get behind the wheel of a truck or SUV that can accommodate shopping bags or sporting equipment - Expedia has an array of vehicles to make any traveler smile in the market for a great deal on car rentals once they've landed at Kuwait International. Our fleet consist of cars and trucks for large groups and solo drivers alike. When you book rental cars through Expedia, your choices include:
    Large vans that have enough for space your entire family or travel group
    Luxury sedans boasting conveniences like leather seats and an entertainment system for a smooth driving road experience
    Sporty coupes for warm-weather vacations that call for driving with the roof down
    Hybrid autos featuring first-rate gas mileage for traveling around Kuwait City for a cleaner ride
Use Expedia's convenient booking widget to choose your travel dates and perfect car match, and your vacation wheels are secured in no time - searching for the perfect rental car in Kuwait City has never been easier! The only thing left to do is go shopping for a new set of shades for the ride and choose a hotel in the heart of Kuwait City.

What’s the best price car rental in Kuwait City?
In the past 7 days the lowest priced car rental is in Kuwait City.

 What’s the average car rental price in Kuwait City?
On average, car rentals in Kuwait City are .

Why should I book a car rental with Expedia?
When booking a rental car via Expedia you can easily compare a wide range of the most popular car hire companies and select the best option for you. There are no extra costs and no cancellation fees involved in booking a rental car with Expedia.

 How do I book a car rental with Expedia?
You can book a car rental on Expedia either online or over the phone. You may have the option to reserve now and pay now, or to reserve now and pay later. The payment option will be indicated at time of booking. To collect Expedia+ rewards points for your car rental, sign in to your account before you book or create an account on the Payment page.

 Are there any additional costs when cancelling a rental car?
Most rental car bookings are eligible for a full refund regardless of when you cancel with Expedia. Not all prepaid bookings qualify for a refund. Review your itinerary for details. If your prepaid booking qualifies for a refund, your booking must be cancelled at least 6 hours prior to pick-up for the refund. If you return your prepaid car rental early, you will not be refunded for any unused time.

 How can I cancel my car booking through Expedia?
To cancel your car booking, sign in or enter your email address and itinerary number. Then select Find itinerary. Under Manage Booking, select Cancel Reservation, then CANCEL THIS RESERVATION. Most prepaid car rental bookings are non-refundable. Pre-paid bookings must be cancelled at least 6 hours prior to pick-up to be eligible for a full refund. To change or cancel a car hire that you booked as part of a holiday, please contact us.

Should I book a rental car online before arriving or directly in Kuwait City?
Booking your car from home with Expedia ensures that you can choose the type of car. You can also compare the different offers and additional services in advance to get the best offer for you. Upon arrival you only need to collect the keys before beginning your trip. In addition, you do not have to start searching for a suitable provider after arriving or reading the terms and conditions at the counter. This will save you a lot of stress.

 What insurance should I choose for my rental car?
A comprehensive insurance is a good choice to avoid unpleasant surprises. That way you can enjoy your stay carefree and explore the area with your rental car.

 Do I have to pay my rental car in advance?
We have a couple different options when it comes to paying for your car rental. Read on and see which is best for you. Reserve now, pay now: This option allows you to reserve your car rental and prepay at the time of booking. You’ll need a credit card to prepay, and can apply Expedia Rewards points to cover all or some of the booking cost. While some car rental companies may let you pay with a debit card, the driver still needs to present a valid credit card to cover the deposit upon pick-up. Reserve now, pay later: This option lets you reserve your rental car without paying in advance. When you get to the pick-up spot, just have whoever's driving present a valid credit card to pay the cost in full. The car rental company will also place a hold on your credit card in the amount of the car rental deposit.

What do I have to pay attention to when hiring a car?
When picking up your rental car, check for scratches or dents on the vehicle. Inspect the car carefully, make sure to take notes of potential damage and let the vendor know before driving off.

Where can I find car rentals in Kuwait City?
Rental car companies can usually be found at airports and various locations in the city centre.


Crafting & Crochet Resources in Kuwait

Crochet, kneading and all kinds of crafts are popular in Kuwait. Most moms turn to sewing and crocheting as tools to teach and learn for their kids. Crocheting, kneading and craftsmanship can also be perfect ways of relaxing, learning new skills or simply having fun.

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How to apply for driving License in Kuwait?

Where to obtain a Kuwaiti driving licence?
To get a fresh driving license: You should first receive a learner 's license and pass the driving test to get a driving license in Kuwait.

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Languages spoken in Kuwait

Kuwait is one of the Arab countries in the world and therefore, Arabic is the main language. The nation hosts a large immigrant workforce, especially from Asia, who use English alongside their mother tongues. Expatriates account for 70 per cent of the Kuwaiti population, which translates into the increasing linguistic diversity of the country. Tourists who visit Kuwait are encouraged to learn at least a few words from Arabic.

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Shake Shack Kuwait

Shake Shack is a hip; modern day, "roadside" casual burger eatery that operates at more than 249 locations both domestically and internationally. They are typically found in standalone restaurants and malls. The Business plans to have more than 320 sites by 2020.

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